29 de febrero de 2012

Nadine Horn

Os presento a Nadine. Es una aventurera nata. Nacida en Alemania, se mudo a Australia dónde estudió Bioquímica. Ha trabajado como periodista para un periódico alemán, para una productora  australiana, ha participado en programas de radio, acaba de lanzar su primer libro "Don't just talk, DO IT. And make your crazy idea happen" y ha vivido mil experiencias distintas.

This is Nadine. She is an adventurer. Born in Germany, but she moved to Australia, where she studied Biochemistry. She worked as a freelance journalist for a German newspaper, she tooked the chance to work alongside an Australian production company, she got invited to speak in a German radio, she published her first book "Don't just talk, DO IT. And make your crazy idea happen" , and she lived lots of different adventures.

Su última aventura fue recorrer España en bici el año pasado. En un mes preparó su viaje, y estuvo 2 meses recorriendo España y aprendiendo nuestra lengua por el camino! 
Aquí os dejo un pequeño video de su experiencia:

Her last adventure was cycling Spain last year. It took her only 30 days to organise including sponsorship and was followed by two months of pure adventure, learning Spanish in the way! 
Here you have a video about her experience:

Su próxima aventura se llama "Three border Triathlon", y va a recorrer Suiza, Alemania y Austria en modo triathlon:
- Suiza en bici
- Alemania nadando el segundo río más largo de Europa Central - el Danubio
- Austria corriendo

¿Qué os parece? Alucinante, verdad? Esto sí que es pura aventura. Pues podemos seguirla en Twitter, Facebook y en su web. Corred la voz y participemos con ella en esta gran experiencia!!

Her next mission is "Three border Triathlon" , she is going to cross Switzerland, Germany and Austria in triathlon form:
- Switzerland by cycling
- Germany by swimming along the second largest river Central Europe - the Danube
- Austria by running

What do you recknon? It's amazing, isn't it? This is pure adventure. You can tweet her, like her on Facebook and follow her in her website. Spread the word and let's take part in this experience!!

Gracias Nadine por colaborar con nosotros con 2 alforjas!! Vamos a seguirte y a hacernos una foto en SE Asia demostrando que te apoyamos!
Buena suerte! Te deseamos lo mejor!

Thanks Nadine for provide us 2 panniers!! We are going to follow you and I promise you that we are going to take a picture in SE Asia, showing you that we support Nadine!!
Good luck! We wish you all the best!

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